Message English


What does clothing mean to you?

Every day, we choose and wear clothes that suit our work, home life, travels, and various occasions. And if you have found your way to LOFI, it is likely that your interest in fashion runs deeper than most. I, too, am someone who loves clothing, just like you.

One day, I paused to wonder: what exactly is Western clothing? Today, many of us wear Western-style garments. Of course, not all cultures do, but globally, Western fashion is the most widely worn. Naturally, these styles originated in Western Europe.

Tracing the roots, we see French couture culture, pre-revolutionary aristocratic styles, Italian and Spanish craftsmanship, and materials like cotton, linen, and silk brought along ancient trade routes from Asia through the Anatolian Peninsula. Over time, these raw materials were woven into textiles, and evolving techniques spread across societies to create garments, accessories, and armor.

Fashion, walking alongside human history, now reaches us through French and Italian maisons and the creativity of countless designers. We are privileged to wear their works. This is a source of joy and wonder.

However, I also feel a sense of sadness. The rapid progress of civilization and information dissemination has led to an overflow of creations, causing once-revered brands and designers to fade into obscurity after their time has passed. Even those who create brilliant works are sometimes buried beneath the sea of information.

A strong wish took root in my heart.

For me, clothing is the crystallization of history and philosophy through the hands of maisons, brands, and designers. I wish to preserve this legacy for future generations. This is the very foundation of LOFI – Legacy of Fashion Initiative.

I hope that LOFI can serve as a modern Silk Road for fashion information. A place where people from across the globe can discover the brilliant philosophies of distant artisans, the luminous history of maisons, and the spirit of those who cultivate raw materials. I hope it becomes an inspiration for future designers and maisons, advancing the culture of fashion for generations to come.

This is my wish. Thank you for reading this long message. I hope, somewhere in this world, you and I can share this vision.

Takuya Aoki
Founder of LOFI –
Legacy of Fashion Initiative

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